Décor Elements

Aren't friends just wonderful? I have this friend (Teresa Jane) who is one of my dearest friends. Don't get me wrong - if we ever had to live together, we'd kill each other - we're that different! BUT if either of us ever needed anything, it would be given without hesitation. I'm very blessed - I have many friends who are wonderful!

The other day I mentioned to Tracy that I was looking for a table about so high and so wide, and guess who had something like what I was looking for? She was going to have her parents sell it for her at their garage sale this weekend.

Well, the boy and I stopped over there tonight. And, after petting the attack puppy dog (all 5 pounds of him!), we were allowed into the home and were able to bring home this great table!

So I have now added my Décor Elements to my wall with this GREAT table to set it off! Doesn't it look nice?

Now I just have to add my Joshua 24:15 Décor Elements and that wall will be done. I mean, what's the rush, right? I've only had these things since MARCH!!!  :)

The crafters coming Saturday will be the first ones to see it. Hope they enjoy it!

Two quotes that I like about friendship. Hope you enjoy them too!
Blessed is the man who has friends, but woe to him who needs them. - Czech Proverb

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. - John 15:13 (NIV)


  1. Love, love, love it! That is the perfect wall for this and this is one of my favorite decor elements. There are some really neat ones in the new catty. Now that you've had some practice putting one up--I might have to hire you!! Nina

  2. Dawn you are an amazing inspiration to everyone. Thank you for blessing us just by being you!!! God bless you and your very sweet family! :)

  3. We would not "kill" each other...just agree to disagree. We complement each other so well!
    (FYI--my attack dog is 20 pounds of ferociousness...NOT!)
    Glad you could use the table...anything else you need?



And just like that - February came rushing in! Of course, it seemed like January had about 1,000 days in it - and most were COLD! SO SO SO t...